Planetarium Software Downloads

There are many websites that list astronomical software that can be downloaded. The primary interest here is in planetarium software that is used to map any part of the sky at any time from any location. But there is also specialist software for astronomers to remotely run telescopes, control CCD devices, etc.

In particular for mobile devices new products are being developed all the time and no inventory can ever be complete or up-to-date. Therefore it is wise to look around at various websites that have categorised lists. A lot of software is free, some is shareware and some is commercial. There is also the personal aspect that some favour certain programmes over others. Another important aspect to address in a search is the operating system that is used, e.g. Windows, MacOS, Linux, iOS, Android, etc.

Rather than giving you our own preferences, we list on this page several websites that have extensive lists of downloadable software separated in categories. There are undoubtedly others that would be worth mentioning, but the ones below will direct you to the most common software in the shortest time.


Nine Planets
This website has been around for a long time and continues to be updated. A very good first choice for a search. Content is extensive and categorised.
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Astronomy Online
Another very extensive repository for different categories of software. It does include software for iOS (iPhone, iPod, iPad) but not for Android.
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Digital Trends
This site is specialised in apps for phones iOS and Android and seems pretty up-to-date.
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Sea and Sky
A limited list categorised by free, shareware and commercial, but not for mobile devices. Detailed descriptions and price indication for the latter two categories may be helpful for the serious user.
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Sky & Telescope
Sky & Telescope’s list of astronomical software, more than only planetarium software.
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