
Free subscriptions that keep you up to date on astronomy and space science.
Just a selection.

NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, JPL Newsroom
JPL is continuously pushing the outer edge of space exploration and continues to encounter new and exciting discoveries around Earth, the solar system and beyond. There is always something wonderful happening at JPL and we would like to share these amazing events with you. Go here

ESO Outreach Community newsletter - The Messenger
From the European Southern Observatory. 
Sign up here

NASA - Explore the Universe from your inbox
Choose from a variety of newsletters here.

ESA Science Newsletter
Sign up here.

ESA/Hubble News
Subscribe here

The Royal Society Te Apārangi is strong in supporting teaching and learning in science and technology. They issue various newsletters that also provide information for teachers of science, technology and mathematics. Sign up here

Universe in the Classroom (archive)
This electronic educational newsletter was organised by the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. It aimed at teachers and other educators around the world who want to help students of all ages learn more about the wonders of the universe through astronomy.
Find the archive with a great number of resources here.