Unfortunately there is no comprehensive glossary on Astronomy in Te Reo Māori (at least to our knowledge).
Below are suggestions for a few websites that give translations of astronomical terms and concepts, as well as general information
on Māori Astronomy (Taatai Arorangi).
Society of Māori Astronomy Research and Traditions, a website centered around Māori astronomical knowledge and traditions. |
Page on Māori Astronomy by ASTRONZ. |
Astronomy and Space: Māori Vocabulary. |
Science Learning Hub: Revitalising Māori Astronomy. |
Also check out our Ebook on Matariki and the New Year celebrations of the New Zealand Māori in the EBook section. |
There are many glossaries on Astronomy and Space science on the internet.
Here is a list of our favourite ones:
Hubblesite glossary. This glossary defines terms and abbreviations used within HubbleSite, Amazing Space, and other Web sites produced by the Office of Public Outreach at the Space Telescope Science Institute. |
The Lexicon and Glossary of Terms in LEVEL 5 (NASA/IPAC extra galactic Astronomy and Cosmology) is a compilation and modern updating of astronomical terms designed to cover all of astronomy, including particle physics and some statistics. | glossary. Also links here to other glossaries, astronomy topics, etc. |
NASA’s Imagine the Universe dictionary. |
David Darling’s Encyclopedia of Science. Science, not only astronomy, extensive and detailed. |